HSA/FSA-eligible with Truemed

Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

WOD 12/16/20

Warm Up: Old Man Warm up 20 Jumping Jacks 5 Tempo BSQ 10 Birddogs 10 Glute bridges 6mins Strength: Est 1RM BSQ…

WOD 12/15/20

Warm Up: 150m Row 10 Lateral Jump 5 Push Ups 10 Cursety Sqts 5 Burpees 6min AMRAP “Vixen” 22min AMRAP: Buy-in:2000m Row…

WOD 12/14/20

Warm Up: :15 JJ :15 Med Ball Cleans :15 Down Dog Toe Touches :15 Lunges x4 :12 Superman Hold :12 Hollow Hold…

WOD 12/12/20

Warm Up: Old Man 150m Row 10 Banded Face pulls 8 RKBS 6 1-lep V-ups 4 Burpees 5min AMRAP “Chinese Finger Trap”…

WOD 12/11/20

Warm Up: 30 Single Unders 10 Push Ups 10 AKBS 5 Presses OH (5R/5L) 7min AMRAP Strength: 5-5-5+ Push Press 15mins 5-5-5+…

WOD 12/10/20

Warm Up: Old Man Rowling 10 Frames -burpees after each round “Barrel of Monkey” OTM-20min 15/12 Cal Row 15 Med Ball Clean…

WOD 12/9/20

Warm Up: :15 JJ :15 Jump squat to a plate :15 Burpees to  a plate :15 1-Leg V-Ups X4 20-Mini Band Empty…

WOD 12/8/20

Warm Up: Super D Shoulders Banded Pull aparts :20 Ski :10 Push Ups :20 Jumping Jacks :10 Jumping Pull Ups x2 “Kaleidoscope”…

WOD 12/7/20

Warm Up: 150m Row 10 ASQ :10 Down Dog Hold 10 Cursety Sqts 6min AMRAP Strength: 5-5-5+ FSQ 15mins “Trouble” 8 DBL…

WOD 12/5/20

Warm Up: :15 Jumping Jacks :15 Med ball Clean :15 Push ups :15 Flutter Kicks X4 :12 Superman Hold :12 Hollow Hold…