HSA/FSA-eligible with Truemed

Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

WOD 07.22.22

Warm up: :60 Banded Curler (/side) :60 Banded Hip Distraction  (/side) Running Drills Mini Band Walks Strength: BSQ E3M +20lbs 5@68% 3@77%…

WOD 07.21.22

Warm up: Old Man 10 Plate G2OH 10 Flutter Kicks Icky Shuffle 10 KB SDLHP 100m Run 6mins “The Claw” 50-40-30-20-10 DUs…

WOD 07.20.22

Warm Up: :60/ Tricep Smash (on bar) :15 Single Unders :15 ASQ :15 sit ups :15 Lunges x4 Strength: FSQ E3M +20lbs…

WOD 07.19.22

Warm Up: Banded Pull Aparts Series 100’ KB OH Walk- 50R/L 10 Crush Grip KB Row 10 Crush Grip OH Press 5…

WOD 07.18.22

Warm up: 100m Run 5/5 Split Stance DL 7 ASQ 6 Tuck Ups 5 mins Strength: DL E3M +20lbs 5@68% 3@77% 1+@86%…

Ninja Recognition: Kayla Sanders!

Why Kayla? From day 1 Kayla has given everything she has to improve. She has always been coachable and allows the coaches…


Warm Up: :60 Banded Curler (/side) :60 Banded Hip Distraction  (/side) Running Drills Mini Band Walks Strength: BSQ E3M +20lbs 3@72% 3@77%3+@82%…

WOD 07.14.22

Warm up: Old Man  Partners: Med Balls :30 Chest Pass :30 Side Toss-R :30 Side Toss-L :30 Cluster x3 “Ragnarok” OTM-Alt-25mins 40’…

WOD 07.13.22

Warm Up: :60/ Tricep Smash (on bar) 6 1-leg glutes bridge (pause) 6 1 ¼ ASQ 3 Inchworms 16 Lateral Jumps 5mins…

WOD 07.12.22

Warm Up: Super D Shoulders OH KB Walk (50’ each side) 5 Push Ups + Shoulder Taps 10 Banded Bent Over Row…