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Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

WOD 7/3/20

Warm Up: Rowling -10 Frames -Burpee for every Meter over/under “Happy Hour” 40 Cal Row 30 1-Leg V-Ups 20 Box Jump 4RFT…

WOD 7/2/20

Warm Up: 150m Row 5 RDL (empty barbell) 5 ASQ 5 Jump Downs 5 Push Ups 5 Burpees 7mins Strength: Every :30…

WOD 7/1/20

Warm Up: Old Man Warm Up :12 Lunge-R :12 Lunge-L x4 :12 Hollow Hold :12 Superman x4 Vaughn Warm Up Strength: E2M-10min…

WOD 6/30/20

Warm Up: Banded Pull aparts 10 Lat bar jumps 3 Burpees 10’ Mini Band Side Steps 5 ASQ 5min AMRAP “Assistant Chief”…

WOD 6/29/20

Warm Up: 150m Row 30 Single Unders 10 ASQ 20 Bicycles 6min AMRAP WOD: Every 2 Minutes-Alt  75 DUs 400m Row 200m…

WOD 6/27/20

Warm Up: Old Man :15 JJ :15 KB PP :15 Goblet Squat :15 RKBs x4 “It’s Complicated” 12 Box Jumps 200m Run…

WOD 6/26/20

Warm Up: 150m Row 5 RDL (empty barbell) 5 ASQ 5 Jump Downs 5 Push Ups 5 Burpees 7mins Strength: Every :90…

WOD 6/25/20

Warm Up: :15 Plank :15 Shoulder Taps :15 1-Leg V-Ups :15 ASQ x4 Bulletproof Shoulders “Wei-Wei” OTM-24mins-Alt 1 Clock Walks 15 Box…

WOD 6/24/20

Strength E2Mx4 5 FSQs  -From the floor “Recon” 5 PCL (L-M) 5 Burpees over the bar 10 Cal Ski 12min AMRAP

WOD 6/23/20

Warm-Up: Running Drills *In Place -get ballistic Then 10 Narrow ASQ 5/5 Pulsing Lunges 20 JJ x3 “Cardio is Overrated” 500m Row…