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Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

WOD 4/29/21

Warm Up: 100m Run 10 Mini Band Glute Bridge 10 normal asq 10 Assisted Pistols (foot behind) x3 “Wrecking Ball” OTM-16mins 7…

WOD 4/28/21

Warm Up: Banded Pull Aparts 30 OHS  Vaughn Warm up OTM-4min- 3 reps of each SN DL+High Pull+HHPSN Strength: OTM-10min 1 PSN…

WOD 4/27/21

Warm up: Old Man Warm Up :15 Lateral Jumps bar :15 FSQ :15 DL :15 Burpees X4 Strength: OTM-10min 1 Hang Power…

WOD 4/26/21

Warm Up: Old man Ankle flossing while….. 10 Low jumps 10 ASQ 10 Plate G2OH  5mins “Loredo” 24 ASQ 24 Push Ups…

WOD 4/24/20

Warm Up: :15 Lateral Jumps over bar :15 ASQ :15 Reaching Spiderman :15 Push Ups X4 Vaughan Warm up “City Slickers” 75m…

WOD 4/23/21

Warm Up: Running Drills Single KB: :10 RKBs :10 2H  KB Press :10 Goblet Squat :10 Rest  x5 “Analyze This” 3 PCL/J…

WOD 4/22/21

Warm Up: 10 Leg Swings 10 Bird Dogs 30 Single Unders 5 Gator Rolls x3 PreWOD: Accumulate :90 of  L-Sit “My Giant”…

WOD 4/21/20

Warm Up: 100m Run 10 Mini Band Glute Bridge 10 normal asq 10 Assisted Pistols (foot behind) x3 Strength: 5×5 BSQ 20mins…

WOD 4/20/21

Warm up: Old Man Warm Up :15 Lateral Jumps bar :15 FSQ :15 DL :15 Burpees X4 Strength: E2M: 3 Hang Power…

WOD 4/19/21

Warm Up: Running Drills Mini Band Walks 30/20/30 w/mini bands PreWOD: Accumulate :90 of  L-Sit “Princess Bride” Round of Cindy 400m Run…