HSA/FSA-eligible with Truemed

Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

WOD 12.26.22

Warm Up: Old man Running Drills :15 1-Leg V-Ups :15 Hang MSL CL :15 FSQ :15 Press  x4 “About Time” +3 Reps…

WOD 12.24.22

Warm Up: 7 Cal Row 7 Med Ball CL 5 no push up burpee 5 push ups 5 jumping pull ups 6mins…

WOD 12.23.22

Warm Up: Running drills :10 Banded OH Press-R :10 Band OH Hold-R :10 Banded OH Press-L :10 Band OH Hold-L x3 Strength:…

WOD 12.22.22

Warm Up: Old Man Running Drills Vaughn  :10 Hard Cardio (your pick) :20 Slow X4 “Wallace and Davis” 50 Box Jumps 50…

WOD 12.21.22

Warm Up: Ankle Flossing + Banded Pull a parts (5mins to complete) :15 Goblet Squat :15 Crush Grip Press (1DB) :15 Reverse…

WOD 12.20.22

Warm up: Old Man Running Drills 150m Row 100’ Goblet Walk 50’ spiderman walk 50’ Walking Lunge 5mins “Scott Calvin” 1500m Row…

WOD 12.19.22

Warm Up: Super D Shoulders Vaughn :15 Lat Jumps :15 Hang MSL CL :15 FSQ :15 Press  x4 Strength: OTM-3min 5 Thrusters-…

WOD 12.17.22

Warm Up: :15 JJ :15 ASQ :15 Reaching Spiderman :15 Burpees X4 :12 Plank :12 superman x4 “Candy Castle” 7 CLs (M)…

WOD 12.16.22

Warm Up: Banded Pull a parts 5-10 Push ups 10 Gorilla Rows 100’ Farmer Carry 7 Cal Bike 5mins Strength: E2Mx4 8…

WOD 12.14.22

Warm Up: 5 Calories  5 Burpees 10 ASQ 10 1-Leg V-Ups 30 Single Unders 6min “Ice Cream Slopes” OTM-8min 15/13 Cal Row…