HSA/FSA-eligible with Truemed

Results For Category: "Uncategorized"

WOD 3/6/20

“Fitness Algorithm” Buy-In: 30 Cal Bike 15-12-9 Cal Ski T2B Then: 100 DUs 9-12-15 Burpees Wall Balls (30/20) Cash Out: 30 Cal…

WOD 3/2/20

Strength: Every :45×10 10 RKBs WOD: FGB Format 1:00/station HPCL (135/95) Ring Rows FSQ (135/95) FlutterKicks Ski Erg 1min Rest x3

WOD 2/14/20

Strength: 5 FSQ (Est 5RM) E3M- 5 sets “Bedivere” 3 DBL KB DL 3 DBL KB Sqt CL x3 :20 Bike Sprint…

Ninja Recognition

Jeff Krishak Why Jeff? Since day 1 Jeff has been coachable and has sought out constant improvement. Jeff picked some things up…

WOD 2/6/20

“Hot Potato” Obstacle Course 1600m  Bike Over Unders(Boxes/PVC) 50’ Hot potato* 10 Med Ball Clean 50’ Med Ball Lunge 80’ Keg Carry…

Weightlifting: What to Expect at a Meet

Bare essentials of need to knows. This Saturday, February 1st, we are having an in-house weightlifting meet. Although all of you are…

WOD 1/13/20

Strength: DL* +10lbs from last cyle Set 1: 5 @ 75% Set 2: 5 @ 80% Set 3: 5+ @ 85% Last…

WOD 1/1/20

Strength FSQ-E3M Set 1:5 @75% Set 2:3@85% Set3:1+ @95% *Last set is MAX REPS “Confessions” +2 Reps each round 10 RKBS (70/53)…

Ninja Recognition

Ninja Recognition Dec 2019


7 RKBS (70/53) 7 Sits Ups 7Rds 10 Ring Rows 10 Cal Ski 5Rds -FT-