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Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

WOD 12/17/19

“Daylight” 30 Cal Row 20 Double Unders 10 DBL DB PCL/J (50/35) 20 Double Unders 30 Sit-ups 30min AMRAP

WOD 12/16/19

Strength: BSQ -E3M Set 1:5 @75% Set 2:5 @80% Set 3:5+ @85% Last Set Max Reps “First Blood” OTM- 12min Odd: 3…


“Karen Burped” 100 Wall Balls 50 Burpees 50 Wall Balls 25 Burpees -FT-

WOD 12/13/19

“Ricky” 10 Pull Ups 5 DBL DB DL (75/55) 8 Push Press (135/95) 20min AMRAP *Repeat 9/7/18

WOD 12/12/19

“Stuck on Repeat” 500m Row 2min Rest X5 150m Ski 1min Rest x10

WOD 12/11/19

Strength: 1RM FSQ (20min) “Powerball” 5 BSQ (Mod-Heavy) 8 DBL KB FR Reverse Lunge (53/35) 8 DBL KB FSQ :20 Sprint on…

WOD 12/10/19

“Gamut” 50-40-30-20-10 P1:Cal Row P2: Max Step Ups 25-20-15-10-5 P1:Ski Cal P2: Max Sit Ups 2:00 min P1:L-Sit/Tuck Hold P2: Max DUs…

WOD 12/9/19

Strength: 1RM Bench (15min) “Bring Sally Up” Push Ups to “Flower” by: Moby 3min rest :30 Banded  Pull A parts :30 DB…

WOD 12/7/19

“Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid” Partners 20 Bar MUs 30 DB SN (75/50) 40 Cal Bike 50 T2B 60 RKBs (70/53)…

WOD 12/6/19

Strength: 1RM BSQ 20min to complete “Flubber” 10 TH (135/95) 50 DUs 4RFT *Repeat 3/7/16