Warm Up:
Running Drills
OTM-8min(both in the min)
4 Burpees
6 Box Jumps
8:46-The First Plane Hit
“Remembering 9/11”
Buy-In:911m Row (Date)
3 Rounds of “DT” (155/105)
12 DL (36)
9 HPCL (27)
6 Jerks (18)
4 Rounds of “Cindy”
5 Pull Ups (20)
10 Push Ups (40)
15 ASQ (60)
3 Rounds of “Nasty Girls”
50 ASQ (150)
7 Ring MUs (21)
10 HPCL (135/95)
3-4-3 (343 Firefighters died)
Cash Out:70 DUs
(60 LEOs & EMTs Died)
403 Reps:Total # of First Responders sacrificed their lives