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Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

WOD 11/15/19

Strength: 5×5 FSQ E3M “Taking Back Fridays” 500m Row 10 HPCL (135/95) 25 Wall Balls (20/14) 3RFT

WOD 11/14/19

Strength: HS/HS Walk Practice 7-10min “Gym-nice-stics” Buy-In: 50’ HS walk/150’ Bear crawl Then 1 Rope Climb 5 Burpees 10 Box Jumps 5…

WOD 11/13/19

Strength: 5×3 DL E3M “Bean Bags & Cheetos” 50’ Suitcase walking lunge (35/26) :10 L-Sit 50’ Farmers Carry (35/26) 10 Cal Bike…

WOD 11/12/19

“The Chief” 3:00/1:00 Rest x5 3 PCL (135/95) 6 Push Ups 9 ASQ -Repeat 9/18/18

WOD 11/11/19

“Sweat Recovery” E2M x4 :30 Rest Max Cal Ski Max DUs Max Row Score= Lowest Rep total  in any one round

WOD 11/9/19

10 RKBs (53/35) 100′ Double KB FR Carry (53/35) 20 DUs 10 Cal Bike 20 Sit Ups 22min AMRAP

WOD 11/8/19

CrossFit Open 20.5 For time, partitioned any way: 40 muscle-ups 80-cal. row 120 wall-ball shots ♀ 14-lb. ball to 9 ft. ♂…

WOD 11/7/19

“Red Dragon” 5min Max Cal Bike 5min Rest 5min Max Cal Ski 5min Rest 5min Max Cal Row

WOD 11/6/19

“Goldmember” 20 Cal Bike 20 Dball to Shoulder 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 20 Lunges 20 DUs 20 Wall Balls 15min AMRAP Post…

WOD 11/5/19

Strength: Box C2B Drill “The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest” 21-15-9 Cal Row C2B Pull Ups 3min Rest 9-15-21 Ski Cal…