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Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

WOD 11/27/19

“No Bar Tonight” 800m/.5 miles Bike 16 KB Clean (53/35) 32 DUs 16 DB Plank Shift (HAP) 22min AMRAP Post WOD Strength:…

WOD 11/26/19

Strength: 5×3 FSQ E3M “Death Before Dishonor” 3 Strict Press (115/85) 6 FSQ 9 Thrusters 500m Row 4RFT

WOD 11/25/19

“Build The V” Max Reps E:30 Strict Pull Ups V-Ups Chin Ups 1-leg V-ups Mixed Grip  Sit ups X3 :20/:10 x3 Box…

WOD 11/23/19

“Boggle” 50 Cal Row 50 Box Jumps (24/20) 50 AKBS (53/35) 50 K2E 50 Wall Balls (20/14) 50 Burpees -FT- *Any Order…

WOD 11/22/19

Strength: DL 4×7 Within 15mins “Quick Death” 20 Pull Ups 10 FSQ (205/135) 3RFT *From Ground **Repeat 10/19/18

WOD 11/21/19

“Torque” *Repeat 10/18/18 2min Window 20/18 Cal Bike Max Distance Ski 2min Rest 2min Window 18/16 Cal Bike Max Distance Ski 2min…

WOD 11/20/19

“Regional Throwback” 2k Row 50 Pistols  30 HPCL (225/155) -FT- *Repeat 1/22/16

WOD 11/19/19

“Therapeutic Pain” Mainsite 171016 15 Burpees 30 Cal Row 20min AMRAP *Repeat 11/24/17 Post WOD Strength: :10/:30 x6 HS Hold

WOD 11/18/19

Strength 4×3 Tempo BSQ :03 descent E3M “Ass-teroids” 8 DBL DB DL (50/35) 8 DB HPCL  (50/35) 8 DBL DB PP (50/35)…

WOD 11/16/19

“Bradshaw” 3 HSPUs 6 DL (225/155) 12 Pull Ups 24 DUs 10RFT