HSA/FSA-eligible with Truemed

Workout of the Day 08.01.23

Warm Up:

Mob: Chest: Pin & Stretch 1min/

:15 Strict Press

:15 Bent Over Row

:15 Plank


Banded pull apart series

“Himalayan Salt’

OTM-10 min-Alt

10 Bench Press

8-12 Strict Pull ups

OTM-10 min-Alt

12-15 Seated Strict Press

15/15 1-arm KB Row

OTM-10 min-Alt

10-10-10 partials Delt raises

10-15 Push Ups+shoulder taps

OTM- 4 min

12 KB Halos


20 KB horn curls 

50’ 90° walk 

20 Banded Tricep Ext 
