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The CrossFit Open 18.2
The Safari Sprint
Every person has a spirit animal. Whether they see it or not, they emulate another creature that walks the earth. They share characteristics and attributes.
Tonight we bring you the Safari Sprint. A face paced couplet of dumbbell squats and bar over burpees. This is a super fast workout, but with a kicker of 18.2A a 1RM clean. Jessica “The gazelle” Hempel has the grace and finesse to continually be light on her feet to challenge the bouncing kangaroo of Lisa Loruss. All people have their strength in some avenue of CrossFit, for Lisa it’s burpees!!!!! She is made for that movement, and probably the only person that was hoping burpees would be in 18.2.
Ok, so both are fast, light on their feet, and have the energizer bunny engine ….so will it come down to front squats? Will they have enough left in their legs for the clean? Where will the superstore be?!?!
Show up tomorrow night to see the 18.2 head to head showdown as heat 3! Yes mid-night action!![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]