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April Athlete of The Month
Jessica Cassar
Why Jessica?
Jessica Cassar has been with us for 10 months and has always been eager to learn. Jess is always coachable and trying to learn how to perform the harder movements. She doesn’t shy away from challenges. These actions and approach to her exercising has led her to steadily improved. She’s not only excelling as an athlete but also a prime example of what makes our community great. She’s the same with every person, says hello, engages and is pleasant to be around.
Jessica’s Story
I was getting extremely lazy and very unhealthy. I tried the whole, “Planet fitness” thing. I would end up going to the gym with a workout in mind and then quit halfway through because I was tired. I knew that I wasn’t going to get any results by doing that so i decided to go bigger by joining a CrossFit box. I had checked out a few boxes and when I made it into Crossfit 8 Mile I met Magan and she was telling me about the community and how she was going to be a coach soon and all that awesome stuff. Then she went and grabbed Jamie for me to talk too. Turns out I walked in during open hours and interrupted Jamie’s workout, which was very scary for me…. because… its Jamie lol She asked if I had any questions and what I wanted to know but I hadn’t thought of any and didn’t know what to ask! (How embarrassing) She took down my number and then I left. I went and checked out a few other average Joe gyms but I eventually decided that if I wanted to be the best me that I can, I need to work out with the best, so I called back 8 Mile and set up the on ramp with Nick.
I have never done so many air squats in my life lol
When I first started I had to drag myself in everyday. I had to do modifications for every movement. It also felt like I was dying everyday in the 90 degree heat of June and July. Finally around the two month mark i started to enjoy it more because I could actually do movements and understand gym language like PCL, snatches, HCLs, squat cleans, etc. I no longer had to modify EVERYTHING. That is when I started to LOVE going to the gym, I seriously plan my entire day around what time i am coming in for class.
Jessica’s Goals
I would say my goal at CrossFit is to be the best me I can be, and to be able to do at least my body weight for every lift (this may or may not be attainable…Im thinking snatches would be very difficult) BUT I’m going to work towards it!
Every single person at the gym inspires me! I absolutely love the community and how everybody works just as hard as the next and we all motivate each other. I have made some awesome friends at 8 Mile and even people who have tried to help me with my future career as I am a soon to be graduating. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful that I choose 8 Mile and I spread the CrossFit word to everybody who will listen! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]