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Coming at you this month with some nutritional information that will help you with your progress in the gym. This month we are going to cover the topic of fats.
Fats have been underrated in the past & still shied away from by most. I will talk about the benefits of “good” fats and why we, as athletes (aka ninjas), need them. I want to touch base real quick on what’s good vs bad fats.
Good fats are unrefined animal fats, fat from fish, avocados, olives & tropical oils. They have a higher proportion of saturated and monounsaturated fats, aka omega-3. “Bad” fats are vegetable fats, such as soy, peanut, corn, safflower, canola and sunflower oil that have been refined (processed). They are typically higher in omega 6 and tend to be susceptIble to oxidation during processing which makes them damaging to the body. Just say no to bad fats and all kinds of yes to the good fats and welcome them with open arms to your plan.
Benefits of the good fats:
- Better Body Composition. Come on now, we all want this! Your body actually requires a certain amount of fats to stay lean. I know what you’re thinking, eat fats to burn fats? Whaaat? Yes, that’s what I said. Here’s why: omega-3 fats help turn ON genes that are involved in burning fat, while turning OFF genes that store fat. Mind blow right? My suggestion, DRINK YOUR FISH OIL, it rich in omega-3. Also, good fats support thyroid hormone function, which is involved in body fat regulation. Plus, fat is filling. When paired with a dose of protein, fat can curb hunger and cravings due to its awesome powers of regulating insulin levels. I’ve read that coconut oil and red palm oil are the best at curbing cravings. Get your hammer out and bust open some coconuts like it’s your job.
- More Muscle. Yes, more muscle! Beneficial fats produce muscle because it supports hormone balance & recovery from intense workouts, which we do all the time. A higher fat diet can elevate growth hormone, which inhibits muscle breakdown.
- Better Brain Function & Mood. So your brain, yes yours, is made up of mostly cholesterol and fats, most of which SHOULD be essential fatty acids, particularly DHA, which you guessed it, is in fish oil. The characteristics of the fatty layer in the brain regulate the transmitters in your brain to dictate everything from your mood to your cognition. Good fats also help fight depression. When you have a deficiency of cholesterol in your brain, your levels of serotonin are low. Serotonin is what makes people happy.
- Stronger Immune System. Saturated fats, found in coconut oil, palm oil and butter, contain a special fatty acid. This fatty acid is anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal and have been found to decrease infection rates.
- Better Joint, Skin & Eye Health. Dry skin and eyes are most commonly caused by a deficiency in fatty acids. Getting enough of these guys will help keep your skin hydrated as well as your eyes. Too often I hear people saying how bad their joints hurt. A solution? Take in more fats. They will lubricate your joints and your body will thank you for it by not hurting.
Bottom line guys, eat your fats! Never underestimate the power of an avocado or a scoop of almond butter. Fats will benefit you in every way from healthier skin, stronger muscles and a smarter brain.
Over and out ,
Jamie Justin
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