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May Athlete of The Month:
Matt Sumner
Why Matt?
Matt is young and works full time, but always find time to get his training in. Matt has always been consistent in attending CrossFit classes as well at a barbell club staple. Matt even recently competed in his first Olympic weightlifting meet in Lansing. This past CrossFit Open was approached about taking on another athlete for one of our Friday Night Lights head to head showdowns and accepted the challenge with excitement! Matt continues to work and continues to accomplish new movements and constantly progressing in every aspect. One of the things that hooked Matt in CrossFit is coaching. It’s obvious that he’s open to coaching and continually welcomes it. Matt never says “ Ok, but…” He accepts the cues and puts them into action!!! Matt has just touched the surface of what he’s capable of. Grab your popcorn!! It’s going to be fun to watch!!
Matt’s Story
My path to CrossFit was a battle. I was really into bodybuilding, and I thought that I wanted to go down that path and try to pursue a dream in that. When people would mention CrossFit to me I told them I would never do that, it’s not something that I would like. After having people tell me I should try it and then my mom telling me I should try it. I figured I could at least look into it. I went on Netflix and decided to watch the CrossFit Games documentary. After watching it once and then probably 5 more times I had convinced myself that I wanted to be like those people I was watching on my tv. I looked up CrossFit gyms near me and found CrossFit 8 Mile. Once I got there and started to learn more about all the movements and techniques I was hooked. I love learning new things, especially when it comes to working out. I had never had a coach, so going to the gym and having someone there to tell you and wanting you to get better was what really got me hooked. From the coaching to the people, it’s such a different atmosphere then a regular gym and I wish that I would have started sooner.
I have been doing crossfit for 7 months now and it just gets better the more that I go. Doing my very first CrossFit open and getting to see how I placed was super fun and exciting. Seeing how I did, really showed me deep down that I wanted to make it to a regional, as hard as it might be. I have always tried to set my goals and dreams high, but that is what motivates me to come to the gym and try to always improve and get better. I was not always a huge fan of CrossFit like I am now, I have found something that I love and try to get everyone to do know about and do. CrossFit has changed my love for the gym and working out more than anything or anyone ever has. I hope to keep on learning and getting better each and every day! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]