[vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” css_animation=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]Athlete of the Month: Paul McLeod
Why Paul??
Paul may be the guy who sneaks into class as the coach is explaining the whiteboard. But Paul always works hard, shows up consistently, does whats on the board and does it to the best of his ability. Paul is humble and the last to boast about his accolades…..like that time he PR’d by 60lbs on his back squat!
Crossfit Journey:
With countless failed attempts to reach my goals through the traditional globo gym route under my belt, I sat on my couch, overweight and out of shape, watching something called the “2013 Crossfit Games”. In disbelief I watched as women demonstrated physical ability I could only dream of. I had to be part of this.
The day of my first on-ramp class, I sat in my car in my driveway, deciding whether to text a made up excuse to my new coach, Tymm, or to take the leap. I made the right decision and proceeded to clumsily put myself through through hell for the next few weeks.
While researching Crossfit, the theme that kept coming up was how great the community and camaraderie was. This may sound great to most people but to an introvert like myself, this was borderline terrifying. I was used to putting earbuds in and making my way through a workout without any interaction with others, and I liked it that way. Being thrust into a group of strangers, or even a “cult” as some suggested, was a daunting task. Ironically, the part I least looked forward to has ended up being the most positive and the thing that most keeps me coming back.
Crossfit has taught me so much about my abilities and how far I can push myself. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve thought I can’t possibly get through the rest of a wod, a point I certainly would have quit in a previous life, but somehow manage to get it done. I’ve met some of the most incredible and positive people and coaches and managed to get stronger and lose weight in the process. Most importantly I’ve learned that there are no straight lines to this journey, it’s an ongoing ride with ups and downs that will ultimately give you back what you’re willing to put in.
Continued Improvement
Improve diet
More competitions
Do a Muscle Up[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]