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Athlete of The Month- June 2018
Garrett Rose
Why Garrett?
Garrett started as a quiet, hard worker that tried to not look like the new guy. Though he has pride in himself he was always open to coaching and cues to help him improve. He works hard on every aspect, weaknesses and strength. He not only consistently puts in work during the 60 min class but does the daily extras after class on top of two a days with barbell club. He’s also taken a serious look at his nutrition by working with Coach Jamie Justin and JustFit Nutrition. At CrossFit 8 Mile we are huge fans of humility. Garrett has that attribute which needs to be more common in today’s talented males and all fields. As a firefighter I love our gym being filled with civil servants. It shows to our world that they are human and are just like everyone else with the added duty of protecting the unknown and unknowable patron that calls for help.
Garrett’s Story
zI heard about CrossFit 8 Mile from a friend and decided to look into it. I sent an email to Nick and he told me to come try out a class, so I did, and then I signed up for Elements right after.
My Elements was with Jamie and I remember being embarrassed because I couldn’t do a Sotts Press or Overhead Squats and I had no idea what I was doing with Snatches and Cleans.
Before CrossFit, I just did my own thing. I like to lift heavy weights and that’s it. No cardio, no abs. That’s why I needed to come to CrossFit because I was fat and out of shape.
After about the second week into it, once I got past the “holy s***” factor, I started to like it. I like it because it’s challenging, no matter how good you are. It’s always changing and always different and I like that. I also like the community aspect and everybody challenging each other and competing, but at the same time, cheering each other on and wanting others to succeed.
Garrett’s Goals
I’m not really sure what my goals are. I do want to compete in Olympic Lifting and improve my Snatch and Clean & Jerk totals to a respectable level for competing. Barbell Club is definitely helping with that. I wouldn’t mind a 405lb back squat either. I just want to keep improving.
I’m motivated to improve, mostly because I’m paranoid of my job (for those that don’t know I’m a Police Officer). I want to be faster, stronger and in better shape than anyone, in case I have to fight for my life, or save someone else’s. I want to be able to win any fight.
I’m inspired by other people accomplishing their goals and by the Hero workouts and the things that make me push harder. Murph is my favorite memory so far because of how important is it. When I know the workouts are named after people who have died serving others, it’s an honor to do those workouts because of what they represent.
I look forward to just continually getting better and seeing where that takes me come Open 2019 time.