HSA/FSA-eligible with Truemed

Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

10/16/19 WOD

Strength: Every :15×16 1 Box Jump “Kraft” 18 Cal Row 10 DL (185/125) 200m Run 30 DU’s 10 ASQ 20min AMRAP

10/15/19 WOD

Strength/Skill T2B Work “Twigg” 3:00/1:00 x5 3 Burpee 6 Cal Bike 3 T2B

WOD 10/14/19

Strength 5×5 FSQ 20mins to complete “Xiaojun” 21-15-9 PCL(135/95) DB PP  (50/35) -FT-

WOD 10/11/19

20.1 Hangover 21-15-9 Row V-Ups Bike Cal Box Jumps Goblet Squats -FT-

WOD 10/10/19

Strength: OTM-15min 1 PSN “Rudy” :15/:15 x16 Bike Cal

WOD 10/9/17

“Gridiron Gang” FGB format 1:00 Stations x5 Ski Cal DL (115/85) Box Jumps (24/20) Cal Row 1-leg V-Ups 1min Rest

WOD 10/8/19

“Concussion” 300m Run 10  Wall Balls (30/20) 10 DBL KB CL/J (53/35) 20min AMRAP

WOD 10/7/19

Strength/Skill work- Inversion Practice Options: Wall Walks:OTM-6min Shift & Lift:E90x4  HSPUs (deficit):5 E2Mx3 “The Waterboy” 15 Ring Rows 15 Burpees 26 Sit…

WOD 10/5/19

“Chernabog” 10-1 Bench Press (135/95) DBL DB DL (75/50) Then With Time Remaining: Max Rep Pull Ups 400m Run 20 min AMRAP

WOD 10/4/19

“Sid Phillips” 3:00/3:00 off x4 250m Row 10 HPSN (75/55) Max T2B Post WOD/Strength: OTM-7min 5 BSQ (185/125)