HSA/FSA-eligible with Truemed

WOD 3/23/20

Brought to you by Coach Magan!

Warm Up:

Old Man

5 Scap Push Ups

10 Bird Dogs

5 Inch worms in place

15 ASQ


Option 1: No equipment

60 Lateral jumps

60 Mountain climbers 

40 Backpack Goblet squats 

(backpack, case of water, puppy)

40 Jumping Jacks (4 count)

20 HSPUs (5 Wall Walks)

-Modify x2 of push ups

20 Burpees over an object


Opt 2: Limited Equipment

60 DU/Single Unders

60 Mountain climbers

40 Swings 

40 cals (400m Run)

20 PCL/J*w/whatever you have

20 Jump Squats


Option 3 Strength:

5×3 FSQ

4×12/leg Bulgarian Split Squats

DB Version

4×7 Tempo FR DB/KBs

-Slow, no go slower…. 


400m Run-2min rest x4

200m Run-1min rest x4

Midline: x4

:20 Bicycles

:10 Rest

:20 In/Outs

:10 Rest

:20 Flutter kicks

:10 Rest