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Community…..it may be one of the most overused words in CrossFit. What does it really mean? There are many definitions, all with one reoccurring theme. A common ground, may it be social, beliefs, location or interests.
CrossFit started in garages with buddies working out, following workouts from “some website” named CrossFit.com. Then friends of friends heard about these “crazy” workouts and wanted to be apart of it. Soon enough garages were busting at the seams and this now large group of people who’ve develop intimate friendships rented industrial space. They opened these spaces with the established culture of no egos, nothing to prove to anyone but themselves, and helping anyone willing to learn. Fast forward to 2016, does this culture still exist, yes. Is it as prevenlent as it was 17+ years ago? Sadly no. In the era of social media and the ability to find any information (good and bad) through a couple clicks on a search engine, we find ourselves at times misguided. The CrossFit Games is not the CrossFit that started in the garage with that close friendships. It’s a byproduct of what kind of atmosphere those close bonds can create while training. The Games wouldn’t exist without that close bond that was create from just pure sweat and hard work. Constantly trying to better not only ourselves, but one another. That is community, and what a great community can create. Its powerful.
A great community needs to be protected. There will always be distractions or temptations that will start to pull little pieces away. Just a little at a time can be arguebly justified. After a while its not just a “little” and its becomes big. That is when we need to ask ourselves, what CrossFit really about? Why did we start this journey? Why do I keep coming back? The common word brought up is the community, the people. Maybe it’s the coach, maybe its your WOD partner, or just someone you click with and that you wouldn’t have met otherwise. Without genuine hard working people surronding us, CrossFit wouldn’t exist. CrossFit would just be “functional training” that anyone can do at a commercial gym.
There are no hidden motives when you teach your child how to walk for the first time. There are no hidden motives when you teach your children right from wrong. There’s no ego when you teach them to be independent. Parents do these things because they love their children and want nothing more then to see them succeed. Every parent wants to provide as much as they can for their children. Secrectly every parents wants their children to be better then they are. CrossFit is the same. From coaching to training to motivational speeches, its all because we want the community to thrive.
Nick Carignan
CrossFit 8 Mile[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]