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Jumping isn’t Just for Jocks
What is CrossFit? How many times has a friend or family member asked you that question? I can’t begin to count how many times I’ve answered that question. What I say to seasoned “exercisers” is “CrossFit is what you make it”. It;s not just metcons, or barbells.
At its heart CrossFit is a strength and conditioning methodology. Its based on 10 facets of fitness.
- Power
- Speed
- Accuracy
- Strength
- Respitory/Cardiovascular Endurance
- Agility
- Balance
- Stamina
- Flexibility
- Coordination
That’s a giant umbrella meaning EVERYTHING. People have common preconcevied notions of what they are going to do when they walk into the doors at CrossFit 8 Mile. Yes we are going to squat, clean and jerk and run you through a devistating metcon. The bigger goal and picture is to make you a better athlete. Every member of CrossFit 8 Mile is an athlete. It doesn’t matter how “in shape or out of shape” they are. The goal is to become a better athlete and healtier individual.
Really what I want to talk about today is why we do plyometric work. By plyometrics I don’t just mean box jumps during an AMRAP. That, in actuality is the less effective way to train plyometrics.
Plyometrics are exercises in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength) according to Wikipedia. That’s why at CrossFit 8 Mile we do seated box jumps, kneeling jumps, max height jumps, etc. In order to execute these explosive movements you’ll hit 3-6 of those facets of fitness we talked about earlier. Take kneeling jumps for example, starting knees on the floor with the tops of your feet flat on the floor. Next load and extend your hip violently to land flat footed in a squat. That in its simplest form demands power, speed, agility, balance and flexibility. Want to spice it up? Do a kneeling jump onto 3” ledge, now you need accuracy and coordination! These training tools are common in collegiate athletics, Olympic weightlifting and even powerlifting.
“But I’m not playing team sports or competing in anything…”
Doing plyometrics will translate into your lifts and metcons in the gym, but the return of efforts are so much greater. We want your experience in the gym to better your life outside of our four walls. Performing these exercises in the gym will make playing with your kids easier, it’ll give you better reaction time when you trip on the cracked cement, or when your feet get tangled with the tiny dog your wife just had to have!
One of the greatest things about CrossFit is the infinite scaleability. Do we expect people to get a 48”,50” box jump? No, will some? Yes. Max height is max for YOU as an athlete. You are creating as much power as your body will put out. You are displacing your body through space. Just because you’re not doing weighted seated box jumps or jumping over small adults doesn’t mean you’re wasting your time. You are still improving your abilities and become a better, healthier athlete.
Let go of the fear of failure. Let go of the idea this is just for the elite. Embrace the fun and excitement of doing something outside the norm and possbily acheving things you thought weren’t possible! Jump in head first! (figuretivly, don’t do box jumps head first….)
-Nick Carignan
CrossFit 8 Mile