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AOM: Jeanette McLeod
Why Jeanette McLeod?
Jeanette is a consistent 5amer who always puts in the work to get better. Jeanette is very coachable and welcomes the push which is accompanied by a coach switching out her kettlbell mid-WOD without debate! Jeanette is a dedicated mother, wife, and teacher. She is strong inside and out. She is talkative and welcoming to every member regardless of 5am or 730pm. She’s a joy to have in class and fun to coach.
Jeanette’s Story
I was always one of those people who would go to the gym and run for 20 minutes on the treadmill and go home, not knowing what else to do (and that was on the days I actually showed up). After having our boys I knew I needed something more to push me to become healthy again, but I didn’t know what that was and I had a hard time staying with anything. Shortly after I had our second son, Paul joined 8 Mile and kept telling me I could do it and that everything is scaled to your ability level. I had a hard time believing this until I actually stepped into my first class.
Starting at a different box, I was extremely nervous and felt out of place. I thought there was no way I’d ever be able to do some of this stuff and never really felt 100% comfortable until I started at 8 Mile. The coaches and athletes are supportive and encouraging at every turn. I have never felt more at home at a gym. I now feel more confident in my ability even when I need a coach to convince me to add a little more weight or push myself a little harder.
My biggest goal is to be able to do an unassisted pull up[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]