Results For Category: "Workout Of The Day (WOD)"

WOD 2/13/20

Strength: 5 Bench Press (Est 5RM) E3M- 5 sets “Percival” OTM-12min Odd:10 T2B Even: 13/10 Cal Ski

WOD 2/12/20

Strength: 5 DL (Est 5RM) E3M- 5 sets “Tristan” 20-16-12-8-4 Cal Row RKBs (70/53) -FT-

WOD 2/11/20

“Galahad” 21 DL (135/95) 25 DUs 15 HPCL  (135/95) 25 DUs 9 Push Press  (135/95) 25 DUs -FT- 3min Rest 30 DB…

WOD 2/10/20

Strength 5 Back Squats E3M-5 Sets “Lancelot” 16 Cal Row 20 Ring Rows 16 1-arm KB Sqt CL (53/35) 15min AMRAP

WOD 2/8/20

“Mamba and Gigi 5 Ring MUs 8 Power CL (185/125) 24 Box Jumps (30/24) 13 Burpees 18min AMRAP The “Mamba” workout originally…

WOD 2/7/20

“Kerplunk” 5 BB Complexes (205/135) 10 Rope Climbs 20 HSPUs 40 Cal Bike -FT- Complex= DL+HCL+FSQ+Jerk

WOD 2/6/20

“Hot Potato” Obstacle Course 1600m  Bike Over Unders(Boxes/PVC) 50’ Hot potato* 10 Med Ball Clean 50’ Med Ball Lunge 80’ Keg Carry…

WOD 2/5/20

“Gin Rummy” For time: 100 Burpees, bar-facing *EMOM 3 Toes-to-bar (Time cap 15mins) 5min Rest For time: 40/30 Calories, Rowing 20 Front…

WOD 2/4/20

“Dominos” Partners 200 Cal Bike -FT- 200 Wall Balls (20/14) -FT- 200 Cal Ski -FT-

WOD 2/3/20

“Jack” 10 PP (115/85) 10 AKBs (53/35) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) 20min AMRAP